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More IDAS4 cars review!!
Author: MIGHTY
AE86 Levin
- easy and fun to drive..
- control is a piece of cake..
- no need to brake at corners (at least in tsukuba and Akina)
- Extremely fast at continuous hairpins and corners...
- eats up the gutter in tsukuba while cornering like its made of watermelon juice..
- famous spots to understeer in Tsukuba is killed off with no struggle
- Bad start up
- butt likes to slide too much under oversteer (not an IRO machine)
- Powerful even in stock.
- A FF that wags it tails like a FR.. it serves a lot... so faster around Irohazaka and u can easily do a right hand jump on Iro.. (FF can never do a right hand jump)
- Powerful on all tracks and lovely to TA..
- Powerful 4th and 5th gear..
- An almost pinpoint handling
- DONT UNDERSTEER MUCH!!! u can curb with it like it doesnt even exist..
- Though it wags its tail like an FR.. it would kill so much speed u would cry..
- Not a Iro car though it can do right hand jump.. Reason being cause it lacks accleration..
- it tends to oversteer if u overdo the steering..
- fast start up
- nice oversteer (at least for me)
- great on akagi dhd
- like Glocker said, butt keeps swinging everywhere
- horrible on wet, butt swings more
-a bit shorter than AE86
- light weight
- hardly anyone will use it, so you are unique:P
- more slippery than AE86
- lack top speed
Roadster NA6CE
- Easy to handle [ similar to the AE86 but a little bit heavier .. ]
- Decent on all maps
- Acceleration is a slight problem ..
- tail happy on wet conditions.
EA11R (cappuccino)
the good:
-light as a fether
-turns on a dime
-when the lights go out your invisible
-slip past other cars with ease especially with gutters
-looks cool
-sometimes get head starts online
-light as a feather
-takes some getting used too
-rain is NOT your friend at all
-every car looks like a bus when you are behind it
-not to powerful